Contact Improvisation

‘Gravity is your partner, the earth your playground, the others your support’

Upcoming workshops:

-Soft reflexes and responsiveness in CI, Sunday June 2nd, 1-6pm, Laughton Lodge Dance space, Common Lane, Laughton, Lewes, BN8 6BY

Booking here


Past workshops:

Click here

-Spinal Agility: Suspension and Lightness, on May 5th 2024, E-Werk Studio, Freiburg, Germany.

-Women’s touch: a somatic journey into CI on March 24th 2024, E-Werk Studio, Freiburg, Germany. Booking here

-Women’s touch: a somatic journey into CI for international women’s day on March 8th 2024, Chisenhale Dance Space, London. Link here

Catch me when I fly : CI workshop + Jam + Bodywork. Workshop facilitated by Marie Chabert, bodywork by Justin Philpott, March 2nd, 2024, Chisenhale dance Space

Professional experience teaching CI

Marie has been developing the CI community in Germany and in London, teaching regular classes, courses and workshops (Chisenhale Dance Space, Konstanz University, The Place…), she co-founded the TripCI collective based at Tripspace, co-organised and co-led a mini CI festival on ‘consent’, led warm-up and labs for jams (Innsbruck, Bern, London, Freiburg), taught at international festivals (Tänzerdorf, Ci in paradise, Ci Goldsmiths) and in various institutions (London contemporary Dance School, Tanznetz Freiburg, London Studio Centre, National Centre for Circus Arts)