CI lab- on anarchy and empathy
Sunday 13/12/20 at Chisenhale Dance Space, E3. 3-50pm
Marie Chabert and Justin Philpott will be facilitating a partner lab, with the idea of making it a regular event.
The next lab willl be inspired by Hannah Yohalem’s article: Displacing vision: Contact Improvisation, Anarchy and Empathy. It will offer us a starting point for our physical practice.
We see labbing in Contact Improvisation as a way to question, challenge, and advance the form with our own experimentation. We feel experimentation is a great way to inhabit the form, to make it embodied, current and relevant to the culture, the place and time we live in.
It also feels like a great set up for these challenging pandemic times, as we research together but within the parameter of having a fixed partner.
We want to propose a structure for the 2h lab:
-Led warm-up encompassing Contact Improvisation principles
-Distanced circle and gathering of interests and questions
-Choice of lab topic
-Focused research with our fixed partner (mainly embodied, can also be with written or drawn elements to accompany the research)
-Sharing of findings (the format is flexible)
-Closing circle
-Led warm-up encompassing Contact Improvisation principles
-Distanced circle and gathering of interests and questions
-Choice of lab topic
-Focused research with our fixed partner (mainly embodied, can also be with written or drawn elements to accompany the research)
-Sharing of findings (the format is flexible)
-Closing circle
– previous experience in contact improvisation
– come with your own partner (either someone you live with or someone who you are in a support bubble with)
– previous experience in contact improvisation
– come with your own partner (either someone you live with or someone who you are in a support bubble with)
Please let us know if you want to attend and who your partner is. The number of participants will be limited to 10
To register get in touch here
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