Contact Improv workshop in Zurich!
October 26th 2024 / 11.00 am 3.00 pm / 80-120 CHF
Brücki 235 – Hardstrasse 235, Zürich, Switzerland
Booking and reservation here!
For more info: contactimprozueri@gmail.com
Gain tools and confidence to roll backward, forward and sideways and find shoulder support in contact improvisation. Enhance your dancing by integrating various ways of sharing weight and being lifted from shoulder rolls.
In this workshop we explore shoulder and upper back agility using floor support to enhance rolling and upper body anchoring. Turning the world upside down, we get some practical tools to find ease of moving from that perspective.
We start with spinal mobility exercises to develop a fluid and strong spine, then focus on how chest and upper back awareness influences our movement and interaction with others. We then practice how shoulder support and rolls can improve our dancing, especially in contact dance with one or more partners.
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