PeMa Art project: Undone
- by Marie
- in Choreographies Dance Performances Site specific
- posted April 11, 2020
Doing and undoing – creating as a conception in impermanence – from private action to public destruction
Originally commissioned to be part of the Open Art festival Freiburg 2020, unfortunately the festival had to pull out its program. But on our side we keep working on Undone, part of our long life project FuturoSpective.
Undone is an installation with painting & video and DancePainting Performance with audience involvement
Questioning the notion of time, temporality and ephemerality in performance, Pete and Marie explore their second performance project together. As part of FuturoSpective Part 1, a retrospective of their future work, of ideas and babies yet to be born, of known patterns to be aborted, of mistakes and trials to be trusted, of conceiving and destructive processes to be acted out, of the unknown to be nourished, of the whole concept to be allowed to die.
Who is PeMa Art?
Pete Guy Spencer and Marie Chabert are both independent artists who met while dancing contact improvisation. Since then, they have been dancing life, as intimate partners, in contact jams and festivals. Their collaborative process is still fresh and being constructed in time, love and space.
Their first work ‘Phe-NoumeNow’ (an excerpt of their longer piece ‘Helix Phe.Noumena’), explored the ideas of roles and swapping roles and of witnessing within the performance context. It aimed at making the audience aware of the co-creative potentiality of the performance. The project involved 4 dancers, a choreographer, a dramaturge and a musician and was premiered in London on December 3rd 2019.
The first week of March 2020 they spent in Freiburg as participating artists of LaborManifest #10 by www.tanznetz-freiburg.de, making performing arts visible in public places every day with up to 20 dedicated dancers/choreographers/activists.
To connect to PeMa Art here is the facebook page
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