Tuesday evening Contact classes

6.30-8.30pm at The Boury Academy, London, SW8 2TJ

Open levels

Booking here!

After a great series of 3 sessions, we have a 2 weeks break and we’ll be back on November 5th.

What we’ve been working on so far: 
-Sharing weight and flying, counterbalancing and leaning in
-Exploring the shoulder girdle (shoulder blade, clavicle, arms) and how this can bring into spiralling and reaching into the back space
-Folding in and extending the limbs, exploring the limbs as support in CI: feet, shins and arms

We had a mix of beginners, intermediate and more experienced practitioners, so regardless of your level come and join in!

What else we dance with:
Each week, we co-create a playful and safe space for experimentation and playful exploration. Every class will start with solo time to awaken the awareness of our inner and outer space, followed by propositions to move with partners in duets, trios and group across the space, diving in and out of proximal space. We will ground these explorations with some material and learn specific Contact Improvisation skills. Practicing falling, rolling, floating, lifting and supporting, using gravity to move effortlessly.

We will approach themes such as support, structures and lifts, centre and extremities, trust, multiplicity of touch, shared weight and shared balance, upside down, head to tail connection, material for the spine exercises, following and leading, dynamics, and momentum.

What is contact improvisation?
Here‘s a video of an improvised duet entitled ‘Listening through touch’:
Here‘s an intro to contact improvisation