Dance artist - Yoga teacher - Massage therapist

‘Weaving the fabric of the poetic, the somatic and the performative’

Events, performances and classes

Residency and workshops in Sofia, Bulgaria

The ‘HEAD’in for godot’ team (Danny Kearns, Thomas Broda, Marie Chabert) was invited by the Bulgarian curator and choreographer Silvia Cherneva to give classes and workshops in Sofia. This was part of a week long residency at Hodmovelab, at the end of which they...

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The Ontology of questioning in Padel Halle in Basel!

Last December I was invited by Atelier Experimental in Basel to perform my solo-in-process ‘The ontology of questioning’ in Padel Halle. What a great site-specific venue to play, improvise, interact and have fun. Here’s a new description of the piece (ever-evolving): It is a...

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Contact Impro class+ Jam this Saturday in Winterthur (CH)

I am teaching the next Contact Impro class in Winterthur, close to Zurich (CH) this Saturday January 13th, followed by a jam. It’s a great crowd so don’t hesitate to travel for an afternoon of dancing and jamming. For this beginning of the year...

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Catch me when I fly! CI workshop+Jam

Fly with me….on December 10th, at the beautiful Studio Corpo in Freiburg (DE) Workshop: 2-4pm Jam: 4-6pm Referring to Contact improvisation, Steve Paxton writes:  “the dancer’s weight is only to give: not to possess” (1973) This dynamic workshop prepares the bodymind to...

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Reflexology treatment in Freiburg! Save before Christmas

I am visiting Freiburg and will offer foot reflexology treatments for 50€ instead of 70€ (for 1h). Here are 10 benefits of foot reflexology: Get in touch here for more info

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PeMa art teaches @ Taenzerdorf Herbst Jam!

PeMa Art will be teaching 2 exciting workshops this weekend in the Blackforest: Begegnungsraum CI – von Solos zu Duos, Trios, Quartetten Daring Darling – Catch Me When I Fly: von Balance zum Springen, Fliegen, Landen More info and registration here

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Paused patterns- PeMa Art performance

Zeller Kultur Zentrum -Kultur Nacht Radolfzell

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UnDone by PeMa Art

TanzMalPerformance- Mettnau Strandbad, Germany, September 2023

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